Sunday, February 8, 2009

Chinese king cloth

The cloth which you’re looking above is a kind of king's cloth which used in china before. To make such cloth it may take very long days even a year. Because it's hard to make just a day can make 2cm or low then that. because it have many inner designs and still now there is no any modern machines to make this cloth not yet find so peoples using the old stuffs that which can make the cloth, it's made of wood。

Monday, February 2, 2009

Chinese new year 2009

We enjoyed all each and every movement of the new year.It's wonderful day!....We all feel that it's an opening day for the peaceful and healthy life...During the day we went to a river and we seen a welcome drama by a Kind and a queen after we went a New shopping mall which just opend at the same time...when i look all my chinese friends face i seen a blissful action in them...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008

suzhou..the old smell og chinese

in suzhou...the old style of music is played in the 1000years aged home...

suzhou..1000years aged home

In Suzhou there is an oldest and richest home ...The age of the home is nearly 1000 years back...We walk inside the home more then 1 hour. Inside the home there are beautiful Small Park and lake. We enjoyed the Chinese old style of music which will play to entertain the guest in the olden times.
In one of the picture you can look 2 sets of red cloth. It’s a marriage cloth that used in the rich homes and also we seen the most popular story of the statue. About Buddha hand and monkey…it’s a big story…but I don’t have enough time to explain here…We enjoyed on viewing all the sides of this homes

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Suzhou Amusment Land

We went to Suzhou for a yoga performance by the way we went to the amusement land..They made some buildings same like Europeans, and Americans streets. it looks nice and we enjoyed it